Vice Deans
The Dean is assisted by the Vice Deans in their work. The Dean may authorize one of the Vice Deans to represent and act on behalf of the Faculty of Croatian Studies at the University of Zagreb. Vice Deans are appointed and dismissed by the Faculty Council upon the Dean's proposal. The decision on their appointment specifies the area of activity and jurisdiction of each Vice Dean. The Vice Deans are members of the Dean’s Collegium and the Faculty Council.
Acting Vice-Deans of the Faculty of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb:
- Assist. Prof. Vanja Kopilaš, Acting Vice-Dean for Teaching and Students,
- Assoc. Prof. Andreja Sršen, Acting Vice-Dean for Science,
- Assist. Prof. Wollfy Krašić, Acting Vice-Dean for International Cooperation,
- Assist. Prof. Vlatko Smiljanić, Acting Vice-Dean for Business Affairs,
- Assist. Prof. Danijel Jurković, Acting Vice-Dean for Career Development and Lifelong Learning.