Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost


Erasmus+ Call 2024: Digital Education and Teaching Academies

U nastavku možete pogledati osnovne informacije o pozivima i poveznice na stranice za prijavu.

Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja iskazalo je zainteresiranost za sudjelovanje u partnerstvu u okviru poziva za Erasmus+ Teacher Academies i moli zainteresirane da se javi u vezi potencijalne suradnje. 

Za više informacija o interesu za potencijalnim partnerstvom s MZO- om, molim kontaktirati tcacovic@fhs.unizg.hr

Rok za podnošenje projektnih prijava za Policy Experimentation je 4. lipnja 2024. godine, a za Erasmus+ Teacher Academies  6. lipnja 2024. godine.

Policy Experimentation Call 2024: Funding & tenders (europa.eu)

Digital Education:

Projects under this topic can address different educational sectors or bridge educational sectors, and must support high quality and inclusive digital education, in line with the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027.

Proposals submitted under this topic must address one of the following priorities:

  • Priority 1: Building a teaching framework and policy intervention aiming to boost gender balance in pursuing ICT related studies and professions
  • Priority 2: Digital well-being: Putting into practice what works
  • Priority 3: Data literacy strategies in primary and secondary education

Teaching Academies Call 2024:

Erasmus+ 2024 Teacher Academy call is open until 6 June 5pm. Priority 3 (of 4) is “Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity”. This call seeks actions which harness the potential of digital technologies for teaching, learning, assessment and engagement; support the development of digital skills for all; support digital pedagogies and the innovative use of digital content (for full list see text of call). Use of the European frameworks on digital competences of educators, citizens and organisations is encouraged.

The coordinating organisation must be a teacher education institution (eg colleges, institutes, universities providing initial teacher education and/or CPD) but ministries can apply as partners. Projects to last c.36 months, budget up to 1.5 million. Activities can include establishing networks and communities of practice on teacher education; developing training material and activities for initial and in-service teachers; involving schools to test innovative methods; carrying out research/surveys on teacher education and issuing recommendations and policy papers.



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