Klara Saganić graduated in psychology at the Catholic University of Croatia in 2019, defending her dissertation Identification of Moral Profiles in a Student Sample and Their Relation to Personality Traits, Political Attitudes and Religious Orientations. Since 2020, she has been employed as a teaching assistant at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Croatian Studies. She is currently studying at the doctoral study program in Psychology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka. Her areas of scientific interest are family and romantic relationships and morality. She is a member of International Society for Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection (ISIPAR).
The Role of Separation-Individuation in the Relationship Between Parental Acceptance-Rejection and Psychological Adjustment in Emerging Adulthood
Uloga strategija suočavanja sa stresom u odnosu psihološkog kapitala, zadovoljstva životom i percipirane razine stresa
Uloga psihološke prilagodbe u odnosu roditeljskog prihvaćanja-odbijanja i teškoća nakon prekida romantične veze tijekom prijalaza u odraslost
Odnos roditeljskog prihvaćanja-odbijanja, psihološke prilagodbe i osjećaja koherentnosti kod žena u prijelazu u odraslost
The role of political attitudes, religious orientations, and personality in predicting moral foundations of students
Utvrđivanje različitih moralnih profila kod studenata i njihova povezanost s osobinama ličnosti, političkim stavovima i religioznom orijentacijom