Monday 7:30-8:00, 9:20-9:35 (lecture room Čakovec) and after lecture at 10:50 (according previous announcement in my room).
Lectures during Summer semester: Monday 8:00-9:20, 9:35-10:50.
Lectures during Winter semester: Monday 8:00-12:40, Tuesday 8:00-11:05.
Mladen Tomorad is a senior researcher and the Associate Professor of Ancient History at the Department of History, Faculty of the Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb (Croatia). He studied history, ancient history, museology and Egyptology at the University of Zagreb and the University of Manchester and has PhD in ancient history and museology.
He published three hundred papers in various journals and books. He is also author of the books: „Egipat u Hrvatskoj – egipatske starine u hrvatskoj znanosti i kulturi“ (Zagreb, 2003), „Staroegipatska civilizacija vol. I: Povijest i kultura starog Egipta“ (Zagreb, 2016), „Staroegipatska civilizacija vol. II: Uvod u egiptološke studije“ (Zagreb, 2017) and “Egipatsko blago u Osijeku – hrvatska fascinacija starim Egiptom (Osijek, 2019; with Marina Kovač). He is also co-author and the editor of the books „Research of the history and culture of Ancient Near East in Croatia“ (Saarbrücken, 2014), „A History of Research into Ancient Egyptian Culture conducted in Southeast Europe“ (Oxford, 2015), “Egypt 2015: Perspectives of Research. Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference of Egyptologists (2nd-7th June, 2015, Zagreb – Croatia)“ (Oxford, 2017; with Joanna, Popielska-Grzybowska), „Slavne žene stare povijesti – životi žena u društvima starog svijeta“ (Zagreb, 2018.), „Egypt in Croatia: Croatian fascination with ancient Egypt from antiquity to modern times“ (Oxford, 2019), Egipat u Hrvatskoj: hrvatska fascinacija staroegipatskom kulturom (Zagreb, 2020), and Egypt and Austria XII: The Current Research (ed.), (Oxford-Zagreb, 2020). He is the supervisor and founder of the Egyptological project „Croato-Aegyptica“ and the Croato-Aegyptica Database (CADB)” []. He is also the main editor of the web site “Stara povijest” [] (2014-present).
International Association of Egyptologists
The Association for the Study of Travel to the Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE)
International Council of Museums
Egypt and Austria society
Hrvatski nacionalni odbor za povijesne znanosti
Croato-Aegyptica Electronica (2003-2011)
Croato-Aegyptica (2012- )
Department of History - Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb 2000-2011
Department of History - Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb/Faculty of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb 2011-
Film, music, computer games, comic books, concerts, museums, travel
History, archaeology, egyptology, history of popular and rock music, popular culture