Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Political portraits in Dalmatia 1860-1918

Code: 223536
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge: doc. dr. sc. Vladimir Šumanović
Lecturers: dr. sc. Jure Trutanić - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


The lecturer is not able to offer courses in English at this time.

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Seminar 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Course objectives are to introduce students to political biographies of key figures of political life in province of Dalmatia since the return of constitutionality in 1860 until collapse of Monarchy in 1918.
Students will gain knowledge about basic conflicts on political field in Dalmatia outed through different social interests and confronted national-integration ideologies who dynamized its development.

Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes:
Promote and protect main ideas and principles on which contemporary democratic societies are based on.
Present different information and standpoints on conceptual clear way and critically evaluate credibility of claims, assumptions and arguments given through various media.
Evaluate historical facts and processes of national, European and world history and problems of its interpretation.

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Name most significant politicians in Dalmatia during "long" 19th century
2. Describe political parties and their basic political requests
3. Explain basic differences between annexationists' and autonomists' political programme
4. Describe the process of creation of rightist movement in Dalmatia
5. Analyse Croatian-Serbian relations in province
6. Analyse presence of Yugoslav idea in Dalmatia and the forms of its political implementation

Course content:
1. Introductory lecture: methodology, tasks and student's obligations. Proposal of topics for seminar work.
2. Historical framework of political development in province 1860-1918
3. Mihovil Pavlinović
4. Luka Botić
5. Miho Klaić
6. Antonio Bajamonti
7. Nikodim Milaš
8. Pero Čingrija
9. Juraj Biankini
10. Ivo Prodan
11. Frano Supilo
12. Ante Trumbić
13. Josip Smodlaka
14. Ante Tresić Pavičić
15. Discussion and preparation for the exam.
Learning outcomes:
2. semester
KRO (3001) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Croatology

3. semester Not active
KRO (3001) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Croatology
POV (17191) - Izborni predmeti: Povijest ranoga novoga vijeka i 19.st. - Regular studij - History
POV (17191) - Izborni predmeti: Povijest ranoga novoga vijeka i 19.st. - Regular studij - History

4. semester
KRO (3001) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Croatology
POV (17191) - Izborni predmeti: Povijest ranoga novoga vijeka i 19.st. - Regular studij - History
POV (17191) - Izborni predmeti: Povijest ranoga novoga vijeka i 19.st. - Regular studij - History
Consultations schedule:


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