Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Institutions of the Croatian people, society and the state

Code: 188079
ECTS: 2.0
Lecturers in charge: doc. dr. sc. Vlatko Smiljanić
Lecturers: doc. dr. sc. Vlatko Smiljanić - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


The lecturer is not able to offer courses in English at this time.

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 15
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Learning outcomes:
  1. Povijest institucija državne vlasti Kraljevine Hrvatske, Slavonije i Dalmacije: pravnopovijesne studije, , Beuc, Ivan, Pravni fakultet Zagreb, 1985.
  2. Ustav Republike Hrvatske, Dostupan u elektroničkoj verziji., Narodne novine, NN 56/90, 135/97, 08/98, 113/00, 124/00, 28/01, 41/01, 55/01, 76/10, 85/10, 05/14, .
  3. Društveni razvitak Hrvata: rasprave i eseji, , Tomašić, Dinko, Hrvatska naklada, Zagreb, 1937.
  4. Kršćanstvo na hrvatskomprostoru: pregled religiozne povijesti Hrvata (7-20. st.), , Šanjek, Franjo, Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb, 1996.
1. semester
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
PSI (2980) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Psychology

2. semester Not active
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
PSI (2980) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Psychology

3. semester
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
FIL (17084) : Izborni TZP - Regular studij - Philosophy and Culture
SOC (2960) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Sociology

4. semester Not active
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
FIL (17084) : Izborni TZP - Regular studij - Philosophy and Culture
SOC (2960) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Sociology

5. semester
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
Mandatory course - Regular studij - Croatology
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
SOC (2960) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Sociology

6. semester Not active
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
Consultations schedule:
  • doc. dr. sc. Vlatko Smiljanić:

    by agreement with prior notice by e-mail

    Location: zgrada 77, ured 718
  • doc. dr. sc. Vlatko Smiljanić:

    by agreement with prior notice by e-mail

    Location: zgrada 77, ured 718

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